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Micro Squad: The Game - WWII, 2nd Ed. (hardcover)

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Micro Squad: The Game - WWII, 2nd Ed. (hardcover)
GHQ Stock # MG12


GAME SCALE: 1 model = 1 vehicle or weapon,
1 inch = 25 yds/meters, 1 turn = 1 minute.

Designed for both the history buff and the 6mm wargamer.
Training, experience, and "cohesion" of players' forces are
important factors in deciding the outcome of each battle.
108 full color pages, hardcover.

This NEW expanded edition includes:
• 27 pages of weapons and aircraft data for
Finland, France, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, Japan, Poland, Romania,
the Soviet Union, UK, and US
• Full color game markers
• Quick reference Combat Table Card
• How-to guide for designing scenarios
•10 ready-to-play scenarios