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Warsaw Pact Artillery 1:285

3 per Pack. GHQ 1:285 T-64 based 203mm self-propelled gun..

Stock 5 Pce.
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3 & 2 Fahrzeuge, 2 Varianten. GHQ 1:285

Stock 1 Pce.
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4 Werfer auf LKW. GHQ 1:285

Stock 2 Pce.
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2 Haubitzen, 2 Zugmaschinen. GHQ 1:285

Stock 1 Pce.
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2 Haubitzen gezogen, 2 Haubitzen in Stellung, 2 Zugmaschin..

Stock 4 Pce.
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5 Selbstfahrlafetten. GHQ 1:285

Stock 1 Pce.
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1 Raketenstartfahrzeug, 3 Raketen. GHQ 1:285

Stock 5 Pce.
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3 Werfer mit Raketen. GHQ 1:285

Stock 1 Pce.
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4 Raketenwerfer auf T72 Fahrgestell. GHQ 1:285

Stock 4 Pce.
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